Provider test details
Test Scenario
Environment Queue Component -
StartedJan. 13, 2024, 00:00
StoppedJan. 13, 2024, 00:02
Postman collection URLs
Log Queue Component Queue_Component.postman_collection.json
Test scenario badge

Note: caches the badge result for 5 minutes. Check the API for direct access.

Markdown snippet

Paste the following in your to show your badge on Github.

HTML snippet

Paste the following in your HTML page to show your badge.

Postman collection #1 results details

Collection name: qc.postman_collection

Total calls 5
Calls failed 5
Calls successful 0
Total assertions 14
Assertions failed 14
Assertions passed 0
2024-01-12 23:00:00.543864+00:00 - stopped
Environment variables
Variable nameValue
Supplier information
Supplier name
Software product
Build version
Product role
Postman collection #1
Retrieves the collection of Task resources.
GET 404 Not Found

Tests response is ok expected response to have status code 200 but got 404
response should be okay to process expected response code to not be 4XX or 5XX
response must be valid and have a body expected response to have status reason 'OK' but got 'NOT FOUND'
Creates a Task resource.
POST 404 Not Found

Tests response is ok expected response to have status code 201 but got 404
response should be okay to process expected response code to not be 4XX or 5XX
response must be valid and have a body expected response body to be a valid json but got error Unexpected token '<' at 1:1
Set ID Unexpected token '<' at 1:1 <!DOCTYPE html> ^
Retrieves a Task resource.
GET 404 Not Found

Tests response is ok expected response to have status code 200 but got 404
response should be okay to process expected response code to not be 4XX or 5XX
response must be valid and have a body expected response to have status reason 'OK' but got 'NOT FOUND'
Replaces the Task resource.
PUT 404 Not Found

Tests response is ok expected response to have status code 200 but got 404
response should be okay to process expected response code to not be 4XX or 5XX
response must be valid and have a body expected response to have status reason 'OK' but got 'NOT FOUND'
Removes the Task resource.
DELETE 404 Not Found

Tests response is ok expected response to have status code 204 but got 404
Retrieves the collection of Task resources.AssertionErrorresponse is okexpected response to have status code 200 but got 404
Retrieves the collection of Task resources.AssertionErrorresponse should be okay to processexpected response code to not be 4XX or 5XX
Retrieves the collection of Task resources.AssertionErrorresponse must be valid and have a bodyexpected response to have status reason 'OK' but got 'NOT FOUND'
Creates a Task resource.AssertionErrorresponse is okexpected response to have status code 201 but got 404
Creates a Task resource.AssertionErrorresponse should be okay to processexpected response code to not be 4XX or 5XX
Creates a Task resource.AssertionErrorresponse must be valid and have a bodyexpected response body to be a valid json but got error Unexpected token '<' at 1:1
Creates a Task resource.JSONErrorSet IDUnexpected token '<' at 1:1 <!DOCTYPE html> ^
Retrieves a Task resource.AssertionErrorresponse is okexpected response to have status code 200 but got 404
Retrieves a Task resource.AssertionErrorresponse should be okay to processexpected response code to not be 4XX or 5XX
Retrieves a Task resource.AssertionErrorresponse must be valid and have a bodyexpected response to have status reason 'OK' but got 'NOT FOUND'
Replaces the Task resource.AssertionErrorresponse is okexpected response to have status code 200 but got 404
Replaces the Task resource.AssertionErrorresponse should be okay to processexpected response code to not be 4XX or 5XX
Replaces the Task resource.AssertionErrorresponse must be valid and have a bodyexpected response to have status reason 'OK' but got 'NOT FOUND'
Removes the Task resource.AssertionErrorresponse is okexpected response to have status code 204 but got 404
Name callName assertionAssertion