
Tuesday, 28 March 2023 00:00:10
Total Iterations


Total Assertions


Total Failed Tests


Total Skipped Tests


File Information
Collection: Verzoek Registratie Component (VRC)
Collection Description
Timings and Data
Total run duration: 2.1s
Total data received: 49.57KB
Average response time: 24ms
Summary Item Total Failed
Requests 20 0
Prerequest Scripts 22 0
Test Scripts 42 0
Assertions 56 56
Skipped Tests 0 -

Showing 56 Failures

Failed Test: response is ok

Assertion Error Message
expected response to have status code 200 but got 404
Failed Test: response should be okay to process

Assertion Error Message
expected response code to not be 4XX or 5XX
Failed Test: response must be valid and have a body

Assertion Error Message
expected response to have status reason 'OK' but got 'NOT FOUND'
Failed Test: response is ok

Assertion Error Message
expected response to have status code 201 but got 404
Failed Test: response should be okay to process

Assertion Error Message
expected response code to not be 4XX or 5XX
Failed Test: response must be valid and have a body

Assertion Error Message
expected response body to be a valid json but got error Unexpected token '<' at 1:1
Failed Test: Set ID

Assertion Error Message
Unexpected token '<' at 1:1
<!DOCTYPE html>
Failed Test: response is ok

Assertion Error Message
expected response to have status code 200 but got 404
Failed Test: response should be okay to process

Assertion Error Message
expected response code to not be 4XX or 5XX
Failed Test: response must be valid and have a body

Assertion Error Message
expected response to have status reason 'OK' but got 'NOT FOUND'
Failed Test: response is ok

Assertion Error Message
expected response to have status code 200 but got 404
Failed Test: response should be okay to process

Assertion Error Message
expected response code to not be 4XX or 5XX
Failed Test: response must be valid and have a body

Assertion Error Message
expected response to have status reason 'OK' but got 'NOT FOUND'
Failed Test: response is ok

Assertion Error Message
expected response to have status code 200 but got 404
Failed Test: response should be okay to process

Assertion Error Message
expected response code to not be 4XX or 5XX
Failed Test: response must be valid and have a body

Assertion Error Message
expected response to have status reason 'OK' but got 'NOT FOUND'
Failed Test: response is ok

Assertion Error Message
expected response to have status code 201 but got 404
Failed Test: response should be okay to process

Assertion Error Message
expected response code to not be 4XX or 5XX
Failed Test: response must be valid and have a body

Assertion Error Message
expected response body to be a valid json but got error Unexpected token '<' at 1:1
Failed Test: Set ID

Assertion Error Message
Unexpected token '<' at 1:1
<!DOCTYPE html>
Failed Test: response is ok

Assertion Error Message
expected response to have status code 200 but got 404
Failed Test: response should be okay to process

Assertion Error Message
expected response code to not be 4XX or 5XX
Failed Test: response must be valid and have a body

Assertion Error Message
expected response to have status reason 'OK' but got 'NOT FOUND'
Failed Test: response is ok

Assertion Error Message
expected response to have status code 200 but got 404
Failed Test: response should be okay to process

Assertion Error Message
expected response code to not be 4XX or 5XX
Failed Test: response must be valid and have a body

Assertion Error Message
expected response to have status reason 'OK' but got 'NOT FOUND'
Failed Test: response is ok

Assertion Error Message
expected response to have status code 200 but got 404
Failed Test: response should be okay to process

Assertion Error Message
expected response code to not be 4XX or 5XX
Failed Test: response must be valid and have a body

Assertion Error Message
expected response to have status reason 'OK' but got 'NOT FOUND'
Failed Test: response is ok

Assertion Error Message
expected response to have status code 201 but got 404
Failed Test: response should be okay to process

Assertion Error Message
expected response code to not be 4XX or 5XX
Failed Test: response must be valid and have a body

Assertion Error Message
expected response body to be a valid json but got error Unexpected token '<' at 1:1
Failed Test: Set ID

Assertion Error Message
Unexpected token '<' at 1:1
<!DOCTYPE html>
Failed Test: response is ok

Assertion Error Message
expected response to have status code 200 but got 404
Failed Test: response should be okay to process

Assertion Error Message
expected response code to not be 4XX or 5XX
Failed Test: response must be valid and have a body

Assertion Error Message
expected response to have status reason 'OK' but got 'NOT FOUND'
Failed Test: response is ok

Assertion Error Message
expected response to have status code 200 but got 404
Failed Test: response should be okay to process

Assertion Error Message
expected response code to not be 4XX or 5XX
Failed Test: response must be valid and have a body

Assertion Error Message
expected response to have status reason 'OK' but got 'NOT FOUND'
Failed Test: response is ok

Assertion Error Message
expected response to have status code 200 but got 404
Failed Test: response should be okay to process

Assertion Error Message
expected response code to not be 4XX or 5XX
Failed Test: response must be valid and have a body

Assertion Error Message
expected response to have status reason 'OK' but got 'NOT FOUND'
Failed Test: response is ok

Assertion Error Message
expected response to have status code 201 but got 404
Failed Test: response should be okay to process

Assertion Error Message
expected response code to not be 4XX or 5XX
Failed Test: response must be valid and have a body

Assertion Error Message
expected response body to be a valid json but got error Unexpected token '<' at 1:1
Failed Test: Set ID

Assertion Error Message
Unexpected token '<' at 1:1
<!DOCTYPE html>
Failed Test: response is ok

Assertion Error Message
expected response to have status code 200 but got 404
Failed Test: response should be okay to process

Assertion Error Message
expected response code to not be 4XX or 5XX
Failed Test: response must be valid and have a body

Assertion Error Message
expected response to have status reason 'OK' but got 'NOT FOUND'
Failed Test: response is ok

Assertion Error Message
expected response to have status code 200 but got 404
Failed Test: response should be okay to process

Assertion Error Message
expected response code to not be 4XX or 5XX
Failed Test: response must be valid and have a body

Assertion Error Message
expected response to have status reason 'OK' but got 'NOT FOUND'
Failed Test: response is ok

Assertion Error Message
expected response to have status code 204 but got 404
Failed Test: response is ok

Assertion Error Message
expected response to have status code 204 but got 404
Failed Test: response is ok

Assertion Error Message
expected response to have status code 204 but got 404
Failed Test: response is ok

Assertion Error Message
expected 404 to be one of [ 204, 500 ]

There are no skipped tests

1 Iteration available to view
Request Information
Request Method: GET
Request URL:
Response Information
Response Code: 404 - Not Found
Mean time per request: 186ms
Mean size per request: 2.48KB

Test Pass Percentage
0 %
Request Headers
Header NameHeader Value
Authorization 45c1a4b6-59d3-4a6e-86bf-88a872f35845
User-Agent PostmanRuntime/7.29.0
Accept */*
Cache-Control no-cache
Postman-Token 1b3b7205-3855-45e4-9d25-90e99e9a2666
Accept-Encoding gzip, deflate, br
Connection keep-alive
Response Headers
Header NameHeader Value
Server nginx
Date Mon, 27 Mar 2023 22:00:08 GMT
Content-Type text/html
Transfer-Encoding chunked
Connection keep-alive
Vary Accept-Encoding
Content-Encoding gzip
Response Body
<!DOCTYPE html>
        	<title>Domain not found</title>
        	<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
        		*, :before, :after {
        		  box-sizing: border-box;
        		body {
        		  display: flex;
        		  align-items: center;
        		  background: #E3F2FD;
        		  min-width: 275px;
        		  height: 100vh;
        		  margin: 0 10vw;
        		  overflow: hidden;
        		  color: #138FF2;
        		  font-family: Roboto;
        		.wrapper {
        		  flex-grow: 2;
        		  width: 40vw;
        		  max-width: 500px;
        		  margin: 0 auto;
        		h1 {
        		  margin: 0;
        		  font-size: 6em;
        		  font-weight: 100;
        		p {
        		  width: 95%;
        		  font-size: 1.5em;
        		  line-height: 1.4;
        		.buttons {
        		  white-space: nowrap;
        		  display: inline-block;
        		.moreinfo {
        		  display: block;
        		  text-transform: uppercase;
        		  color: #B9DDFB;
        		  letter-spacing: 1.5px;
        		a {
        		  display: inline-block;
        		  padding: .8em 1em;
        		  margin-right: 1em;
        		  margin-bottom: 1em;
        		  border: 3px solid #B9DDFB;
        		  color: #138FF2;
        		  font-weight: 500;
        		  text-transform: uppercase;
        		  text-decoration: none;
        		  letter-spacing: .2em;
        		  position: relative;
        		  overflow: hidden;
        		  transition: .3s;
        		  &:hover {
        		    color: #E3F2FD;
        		    &:before {
        		      top: 0;
        		  &:before {
        		    content: '';
        		    background: #138FF2;
        		    height: 100%;
        		    width: 100%;
        		    position: absolute;
        		    top: -100%;
        		    left: 0;
        		    transition: .3s;
        		    z-index: -1;
        		.hide {
        			display: none;
        	<div class="wrapper">
        		<p>The domain you are looking for is not configured correctly. Please contact support.</p>
        		<div class="buttons">
        			<a href="#" class="js-click"> More info</a>
        			<br />
        			<div class="moreinfo hide">
        						<td>Your IP:</td>
        						<td class="js-ip">?</td>
        						<td class="js-host">?</td>
        						<td>Full URL:</td>
        						<td class="js-url">?</td>
        	<script src="" integrity="sha256-CSXorXvZcTkaix6Yvo6HppcZGetbYMGWSFlBw8HfCJo=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
        	<script type="text/javascript">
        		$(function() {
        			$('.js-click').click(function() {
        				$.getJSON('/info', function( data ) {
        				return false;
Test Information
response is ok 0 1 0
response should be okay to process 0 1 0
response must be valid and have a body 0 1 0
Total 0 3 0
Test Failures
Test NameAssertion Error
response is ok
expected response to have status code 200 but got 404
response should be okay to process
expected response code to not be 4XX or 5XX
response must be valid and have a body
expected response to have status reason 'OK' but got 'NOT FOUND'
Request Information
Request Method: POST
Request URL:
Response Information
Response Code: 404 - Not Found
Mean time per request: 31ms
Mean size per request: 2.48KB

Test Pass Percentage
0 %
Request Headers
Header NameHeader Value
Content-Type application/json
Authorization 45c1a4b6-59d3-4a6e-86bf-88a872f35845
User-Agent PostmanRuntime/7.29.0
Accept */*
Cache-Control no-cache
Postman-Token f00af6cb-dd03-461c-9ae7-5f7343339dd6
Accept-Encoding gzip, deflate, br
Connection keep-alive
Content-Length 838
Request Body
        	"status": "incomplete",
        	"requestType": "",
        	"organization": "",
        	"submitter": "999993653",
        	"submitters": [
        			"assent": "",
        			"brp": "",
        			"person": ""
        	"properties": [ ],
        			"rsin": "002851234",
        			"status": "none"
        	"organizations": [
        			"rsin": "002851234",
        			"status": "none"
        	"openCases": [
        			"open_case": ""
Response Headers
Header NameHeader Value
Server nginx
Date Mon, 27 Mar 2023 22:00:09 GMT
Content-Type text/html
Transfer-Encoding chunked
Connection keep-alive
Vary Accept-Encoding
Content-Encoding gzip
Response Body
<!DOCTYPE html>
        	<title>Domain not found</title>
        	<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
        		*, :before, :after {
        		  box-sizing: border-box;
        		body {
        		  display: flex;
        		  align-items: center;
        		  background: #E3F2FD;
        		  min-width: 275px;
        		  height: 100vh;
        		  margin: 0 10vw;
        		  overflow: hidden;
        		  color: #138FF2;
        		  font-family: Roboto;
        		.wrapper {
        		  flex-grow: 2;
        		  width: 40vw;
        		  max-width: 500px;
        		  margin: 0 auto;
        		h1 {
        		  margin: 0;
        		  font-size: 6em;
        		  font-weight: 100;
        		p {
        		  width: 95%;
        		  font-size: 1.5em;
        		  line-height: 1.4;
        		.buttons {
        		  white-space: nowrap;
        		  display: inline-block;
        		.moreinfo {
        		  display: block;
        		  text-transform: uppercase;
        		  color: #B9DDFB;
        		  letter-spacing: 1.5px;
        		a {
        		  display: inline-block;
        		  padding: .8em 1em;
        		  margin-right: 1em;
        		  margin-bottom: 1em;
        		  border: 3px solid #B9DDFB;
        		  color: #138FF2;
        		  font-weight: 500;
        		  text-transform: uppercase;
        		  text-decoration: none;
        		  letter-spacing: .2em;
        		  position: relative;
        		  overflow: hidden;
        		  transition: .3s;
        		  &:hover {
        		    color: #E3F2FD;
        		    &:before {
        		      top: 0;
        		  &:before {
        		    content: '';
        		    background: #138FF2;
        		    height: 100%;
        		    width: 100%;
        		    position: absolute;
        		    top: -100%;
        		    left: 0;
        		    transition: .3s;
        		    z-index: -1;
        		.hide {
        			display: none;
        	<div class="wrapper">
        		<p>The domain you are looking for is not configured correctly. Please contact support.</p>
        		<div class="buttons">
        			<a href="#" class="js-click"> More info</a>
        			<br />
        			<div class="moreinfo hide">
        						<td>Your IP:</td>
        						<td class="js-ip">?</td>
        						<td class="js-host">?</td>
        						<td>Full URL:</td>
        						<td class="js-url">?</td>
        	<script src="" integrity="sha256-CSXorXvZcTkaix6Yvo6HppcZGetbYMGWSFlBw8HfCJo=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
        	<script type="text/javascript">
        		$(function() {
        			$('.js-click').click(function() {
        				$.getJSON('/info', function( data ) {
        				return false;
Test Information
response is ok 0 1 0
response should be okay to process 0 1 0
response must be valid and have a body 0 1 0
Set ID 0 1 0
Total 0 4 0
Test Failures
Test NameAssertion Error
response is ok
expected response to have status code 201 but got 404
response should be okay to process
expected response code to not be 4XX or 5XX
response must be valid and have a body
expected response body to be a valid json but got error Unexpected token '<' at 1:1
Set ID
Unexpected token '<' at 1:1
        <!DOCTYPE html>
Request Information
Request Method: GET
Request URL:
Response Information
Response Code: 404 - Not Found
Mean time per request: 34ms
Mean size per request: 2.48KB

Test Pass Percentage
0 %
Request Headers
Header NameHeader Value
Authorization 45c1a4b6-59d3-4a6e-86bf-88a872f35845
User-Agent PostmanRuntime/7.29.0
Accept */*
Cache-Control no-cache
Postman-Token b0a43827-c6e6-495d-b23b-b95d71d06375
Accept-Encoding gzip, deflate, br
Connection keep-alive
Response Headers
Header NameHeader Value
Server nginx
Date Mon, 27 Mar 2023 22:00:09 GMT
Content-Type text/html
Transfer-Encoding chunked
Connection keep-alive
Vary Accept-Encoding
Content-Encoding gzip
Response Body
<!DOCTYPE html>
        	<title>Domain not found</title>
        	<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
        		*, :before, :after {
        		  box-sizing: border-box;
        		body {
        		  display: flex;
        		  align-items: center;
        		  background: #E3F2FD;
        		  min-width: 275px;
        		  height: 100vh;
        		  margin: 0 10vw;
        		  overflow: hidden;
        		  color: #138FF2;
        		  font-family: Roboto;
        		.wrapper {
        		  flex-grow: 2;
        		  width: 40vw;
        		  max-width: 500px;
        		  margin: 0 auto;
        		h1 {
        		  margin: 0;
        		  font-size: 6em;
        		  font-weight: 100;
        		p {
        		  width: 95%;
        		  font-size: 1.5em;
        		  line-height: 1.4;
        		.buttons {
        		  white-space: nowrap;
        		  display: inline-block;
        		.moreinfo {
        		  display: block;
        		  text-transform: uppercase;
        		  color: #B9DDFB;
        		  letter-spacing: 1.5px;
        		a {
        		  display: inline-block;
        		  padding: .8em 1em;
        		  margin-right: 1em;
        		  margin-bottom: 1em;
        		  border: 3px solid #B9DDFB;
        		  color: #138FF2;
        		  font-weight: 500;
        		  text-transform: uppercase;
        		  text-decoration: none;
        		  letter-spacing: .2em;
        		  position: relative;
        		  overflow: hidden;
        		  transition: .3s;
        		  &:hover {
        		    color: #E3F2FD;
        		    &:before {
        		      top: 0;
        		  &:before {
        		    content: '';
        		    background: #138FF2;
        		    height: 100%;
        		    width: 100%;
        		    position: absolute;
        		    top: -100%;
        		    left: 0;
        		    transition: .3s;
        		    z-index: -1;
        		.hide {
        			display: none;
        	<div class="wrapper">
        		<p>The domain you are looking for is not configured correctly. Please contact support.</p>
        		<div class="buttons">
        			<a href="#" class="js-click"> More info</a>
        			<br />
        			<div class="moreinfo hide">
        						<td>Your IP:</td>
        						<td class="js-ip">?</td>
        						<td class="js-host">?</td>
        						<td>Full URL:</td>
        						<td class="js-url">?</td>
        	<script src="" integrity="sha256-CSXorXvZcTkaix6Yvo6HppcZGetbYMGWSFlBw8HfCJo=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
        	<script type="text/javascript">
        		$(function() {
        			$('.js-click').click(function() {
        				$.getJSON('/info', function( data ) {
        				return false;
Test Information
response is ok 0 1 0
response should be okay to process 0 1 0
response must be valid and have a body 0 1 0
Total 0 3 0
Test Failures
Test NameAssertion Error
response is ok
expected response to have status code 200 but got 404
response should be okay to process
expected response code to not be 4XX or 5XX
response must be valid and have a body
expected response to have status reason 'OK' but got 'NOT FOUND'
Request Information
Request Method: PUT
Request URL:
Response Information
Response Code: 404 - Not Found
Mean time per request: 14ms
Mean size per request: 2.48KB

Test Pass Percentage
0 %
Request Headers
Header NameHeader Value
Content-Type application/json
Authorization 45c1a4b6-59d3-4a6e-86bf-88a872f35845
User-Agent PostmanRuntime/7.29.0
Accept */*
Cache-Control no-cache
Postman-Token e2994cbf-054a-4000-aadb-131480a469fe
Accept-Encoding gzip, deflate, br
Connection keep-alive
Content-Length 739
Request Body
        	"status": "incomplete",
        	"requestType": "",
        	"organization": "",
        	"submitter": "002851234",
        	"submitters": [
        			"assent": "",
        			"brp": "",
        			"person": ""
        	"properties": [ ],
        	"organizations": [
        			"rsin": "002851234",
        			"status": "none"
        	"open_cases": [
        			"open_case": ""
Response Headers
Header NameHeader Value
Server nginx
Date Mon, 27 Mar 2023 22:00:09 GMT
Content-Type text/html
Transfer-Encoding chunked
Connection keep-alive
Vary Accept-Encoding
Content-Encoding gzip
Response Body
<!DOCTYPE html>
        	<title>Domain not found</title>
        	<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
        		*, :before, :after {
        		  box-sizing: border-box;
        		body {
        		  display: flex;
        		  align-items: center;
        		  background: #E3F2FD;
        		  min-width: 275px;
        		  height: 100vh;
        		  margin: 0 10vw;
        		  overflow: hidden;
        		  color: #138FF2;
        		  font-family: Roboto;
        		.wrapper {
        		  flex-grow: 2;
        		  width: 40vw;
        		  max-width: 500px;
        		  margin: 0 auto;
        		h1 {
        		  margin: 0;
        		  font-size: 6em;
        		  font-weight: 100;
        		p {
        		  width: 95%;
        		  font-size: 1.5em;
        		  line-height: 1.4;
        		.buttons {
        		  white-space: nowrap;
        		  display: inline-block;
        		.moreinfo {
        		  display: block;
        		  text-transform: uppercase;
        		  color: #B9DDFB;
        		  letter-spacing: 1.5px;
        		a {
        		  display: inline-block;
        		  padding: .8em 1em;
        		  margin-right: 1em;
        		  margin-bottom: 1em;
        		  border: 3px solid #B9DDFB;
        		  color: #138FF2;
        		  font-weight: 500;
        		  text-transform: uppercase;
        		  text-decoration: none;
        		  letter-spacing: .2em;
        		  position: relative;
        		  overflow: hidden;
        		  transition: .3s;
        		  &:hover {
        		    color: #E3F2FD;
        		    &:before {
        		      top: 0;
        		  &:before {
        		    content: '';
        		    background: #138FF2;
        		    height: 100%;
        		    width: 100%;
        		    position: absolute;
        		    top: -100%;
        		    left: 0;
        		    transition: .3s;
        		    z-index: -1;
        		.hide {
        			display: none;
        	<div class="wrapper">
        		<p>The domain you are looking for is not configured correctly. Please contact support.</p>
        		<div class="buttons">
        			<a href="#" class="js-click"> More info</a>
        			<br />
        			<div class="moreinfo hide">
        						<td>Your IP:</td>
        						<td class="js-ip">?</td>
        						<td class="js-host">?</td>
        						<td>Full URL:</td>
        						<td class="js-url">?</td>
        	<script src="" integrity="sha256-CSXorXvZcTkaix6Yvo6HppcZGetbYMGWSFlBw8HfCJo=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
        	<script type="text/javascript">
        		$(function() {
        			$('.js-click').click(function() {
        				$.getJSON('/info', function( data ) {
        				return false;
Test Information
response is ok 0 1 0
response should be okay to process 0 1 0
response must be valid and have a body 0 1 0
Total 0 3 0
Test Failures
Test NameAssertion Error
response is ok
expected response to have status code 200 but got 404
response should be okay to process
expected response code to not be 4XX or 5XX
response must be valid and have a body
expected response to have status reason 'OK' but got 'NOT FOUND'
Request Information
Request Method: GET
Request URL:
Response Information
Response Code: 404 - Not Found
Mean time per request: 14ms
Mean size per request: 2.48KB

Test Pass Percentage
0 %
Request Headers
Header NameHeader Value
Authorization 45c1a4b6-59d3-4a6e-86bf-88a872f35845
User-Agent PostmanRuntime/7.29.0
Accept */*
Cache-Control no-cache
Postman-Token fcb3b1a8-57eb-42d0-a22c-b245f2198b2a
Accept-Encoding gzip, deflate, br
Connection keep-alive
Response Headers
Header NameHeader Value
Server nginx
Date Mon, 27 Mar 2023 22:00:09 GMT
Content-Type text/html
Transfer-Encoding chunked
Connection keep-alive
Vary Accept-Encoding
Content-Encoding gzip
Response Body
<!DOCTYPE html>
        	<title>Domain not found</title>
        	<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
        		*, :before, :after {
        		  box-sizing: border-box;
        		body {
        		  display: flex;
        		  align-items: center;
        		  background: #E3F2FD;
        		  min-width: 275px;
        		  height: 100vh;
        		  margin: 0 10vw;
        		  overflow: hidden;
        		  color: #138FF2;
        		  font-family: Roboto;
        		.wrapper {
        		  flex-grow: 2;
        		  width: 40vw;
        		  max-width: 500px;
        		  margin: 0 auto;
        		h1 {
        		  margin: 0;
        		  font-size: 6em;
        		  font-weight: 100;
        		p {
        		  width: 95%;
        		  font-size: 1.5em;
        		  line-height: 1.4;
        		.buttons {
        		  white-space: nowrap;
        		  display: inline-block;
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        		  display: block;
        		  text-transform: uppercase;
        		  color: #B9DDFB;
        		  letter-spacing: 1.5px;
        		a {
        		  display: inline-block;
        		  padding: .8em 1em;
        		  margin-right: 1em;
        		  margin-bottom: 1em;
        		  border: 3px solid #B9DDFB;
        		  color: #138FF2;
        		  font-weight: 500;
        		  text-transform: uppercase;
        		  text-decoration: none;
        		  letter-spacing: .2em;
        		  position: relative;
        		  overflow: hidden;
        		  transition: .3s;
        		  &:hover {
        		    color: #E3F2FD;
        		    &:before {
        		      top: 0;
        		  &:before {
        		    content: '';
        		    background: #138FF2;
        		    height: 100%;
        		    width: 100%;
        		    position: absolute;
        		    top: -100%;
        		    left: 0;
        		    transition: .3s;
        		    z-index: -1;
        		.hide {
        			display: none;
        	<div class="wrapper">
        		<p>The domain you are looking for is not configured correctly. Please contact support.</p>
        		<div class="buttons">
        			<a href="#" class="js-click"> More info</a>
        			<br />
        			<div class="moreinfo hide">
        						<td>Your IP:</td>
        						<td class="js-ip">?</td>
        						<td class="js-host">?</td>
        						<td>Full URL:</td>
        						<td class="js-url">?</td>
        	<script src="" integrity="sha256-CSXorXvZcTkaix6Yvo6HppcZGetbYMGWSFlBw8HfCJo=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
        	<script type="text/javascript">
        		$(function() {
        			$('.js-click').click(function() {
        				$.getJSON('/info', function( data ) {
        				return false;
Test Information
response is ok 0 1 0
response should be okay to process 0 1 0
response must be valid and have a body 0 1 0
Total 0 3 0
Test Failures
Test NameAssertion Error
response is ok
expected response to have status code 200 but got 404
response should be okay to process
expected response code to not be 4XX or 5XX
response must be valid and have a body
expected response to have status reason 'OK' but got 'NOT FOUND'
Request Information
Request Method: POST
Request URL:
Response Information
Response Code: 404 - Not Found
Mean time per request: 18ms
Mean size per request: 2.48KB

Test Pass Percentage
0 %
Request Headers
Header NameHeader Value
Content-Type application/json
Authorization 45c1a4b6-59d3-4a6e-86bf-88a872f35845
User-Agent PostmanRuntime/7.29.0
Accept */*
Cache-Control no-cache
Postman-Token 86e40424-5f14-4539-8d3d-39c84fb54eae
Accept-Encoding gzip, deflate, br
Connection keep-alive
Content-Length 279
Request Body
        	"assent": "",
        	"brp": "",
        	"person": "",
        	"request": "/requests/{{request}}"
Response Headers
Header NameHeader Value
Server nginx
Date Mon, 27 Mar 2023 22:00:09 GMT
Content-Type text/html
Transfer-Encoding chunked
Connection keep-alive
Vary Accept-Encoding
Content-Encoding gzip
Response Body
<!DOCTYPE html>
        	<title>Domain not found</title>
        	<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
        		*, :before, :after {
        		  box-sizing: border-box;
        		body {
        		  display: flex;
        		  align-items: center;
        		  background: #E3F2FD;
        		  min-width: 275px;
        		  height: 100vh;
        		  margin: 0 10vw;
        		  overflow: hidden;
        		  color: #138FF2;
        		  font-family: Roboto;
        		.wrapper {
        		  flex-grow: 2;
        		  width: 40vw;
        		  max-width: 500px;
        		  margin: 0 auto;
        		h1 {
        		  margin: 0;
        		  font-size: 6em;
        		  font-weight: 100;
        		p {
        		  width: 95%;
        		  font-size: 1.5em;
        		  line-height: 1.4;
        		.buttons {
        		  white-space: nowrap;
        		  display: inline-block;
        		.moreinfo {
        		  display: block;
        		  text-transform: uppercase;
        		  color: #B9DDFB;
        		  letter-spacing: 1.5px;
        		a {
        		  display: inline-block;
        		  padding: .8em 1em;
        		  margin-right: 1em;
        		  margin-bottom: 1em;
        		  border: 3px solid #B9DDFB;
        		  color: #138FF2;
        		  font-weight: 500;
        		  text-transform: uppercase;
        		  text-decoration: none;
        		  letter-spacing: .2em;
        		  position: relative;
        		  overflow: hidden;
        		  transition: .3s;
        		  &:hover {
        		    color: #E3F2FD;
        		    &:before {
        		      top: 0;
        		  &:before {
        		    content: '';
        		    background: #138FF2;
        		    height: 100%;
        		    width: 100%;
        		    position: absolute;
        		    top: -100%;
        		    left: 0;
        		    transition: .3s;
        		    z-index: -1;
        		.hide {
        			display: none;
        	<div class="wrapper">
        		<p>The domain you are looking for is not configured correctly. Please contact support.</p>
        		<div class="buttons">
        			<a href="#" class="js-click"> More info</a>
        			<br />
        			<div class="moreinfo hide">
        						<td>Your IP:</td>
        						<td class="js-ip">?</td>
        						<td class="js-host">?</td>
        						<td>Full URL:</td>
        						<td class="js-url">?</td>
        	<script src="" integrity="sha256-CSXorXvZcTkaix6Yvo6HppcZGetbYMGWSFlBw8HfCJo=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
        	<script type="text/javascript">
        		$(function() {
        			$('.js-click').click(function() {
        				$.getJSON('/info', function( data ) {
        				return false;
Test Information
response is ok 0 1 0
response should be okay to process 0 1 0
response must be valid and have a body 0 1 0
Set ID 0 1 0
Total 0 4 0
Test Failures
Test NameAssertion Error
response is ok
expected response to have status code 201 but got 404
response should be okay to process
expected response code to not be 4XX or 5XX
response must be valid and have a body
expected response body to be a valid json but got error Unexpected token '<' at 1:1
Set ID
Unexpected token '<' at 1:1
        <!DOCTYPE html>
Request Information
Request Method: GET
Request URL:
Response Information
Response Code: 404 - Not Found
Mean time per request: 15ms
Mean size per request: 2.48KB

Test Pass Percentage
0 %
Request Headers
Header NameHeader Value
Authorization 45c1a4b6-59d3-4a6e-86bf-88a872f35845
User-Agent PostmanRuntime/7.29.0
Accept */*
Cache-Control no-cache
Postman-Token 6ccaf873-a9ef-45fe-b63b-083fe8818080
Accept-Encoding gzip, deflate, br
Connection keep-alive
Response Headers
Header NameHeader Value
Server nginx
Date Mon, 27 Mar 2023 22:00:09 GMT
Content-Type text/html
Transfer-Encoding chunked
Connection keep-alive
Vary Accept-Encoding
Content-Encoding gzip
Response Body
<!DOCTYPE html>
        	<title>Domain not found</title>
        	<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
        		*, :before, :after {
        		  box-sizing: border-box;
        		body {
        		  display: flex;
        		  align-items: center;
        		  background: #E3F2FD;
        		  min-width: 275px;
        		  height: 100vh;
        		  margin: 0 10vw;
        		  overflow: hidden;
        		  color: #138FF2;
        		  font-family: Roboto;
        		.wrapper {
        		  flex-grow: 2;
        		  width: 40vw;
        		  max-width: 500px;
        		  margin: 0 auto;
        		h1 {
        		  margin: 0;
        		  font-size: 6em;
        		  font-weight: 100;
        		p {
        		  width: 95%;
        		  font-size: 1.5em;
        		  line-height: 1.4;
        		.buttons {
        		  white-space: nowrap;
        		  display: inline-block;
        		.moreinfo {
        		  display: block;
        		  text-transform: uppercase;
        		  color: #B9DDFB;
        		  letter-spacing: 1.5px;
        		a {
        		  display: inline-block;
        		  padding: .8em 1em;
        		  margin-right: 1em;
        		  margin-bottom: 1em;
        		  border: 3px solid #B9DDFB;
        		  color: #138FF2;
        		  font-weight: 500;
        		  text-transform: uppercase;
        		  text-decoration: none;
        		  letter-spacing: .2em;
        		  position: relative;
        		  overflow: hidden;
        		  transition: .3s;
        		  &:hover {
        		    color: #E3F2FD;
        		    &:before {
        		      top: 0;
        		  &:before {
        		    content: '';
        		    background: #138FF2;
        		    height: 100%;
        		    width: 100%;
        		    position: absolute;
        		    top: -100%;
        		    left: 0;
        		    transition: .3s;
        		    z-index: -1;
        		.hide {
        			display: none;
        	<div class="wrapper">
        		<p>The domain you are looking for is not configured correctly. Please contact support.</p>
        		<div class="buttons">
        			<a href="#" class="js-click"> More info</a>
        			<br />
        			<div class="moreinfo hide">
        						<td>Your IP:</td>
        						<td class="js-ip">?</td>
        						<td class="js-host">?</td>
        						<td>Full URL:</td>
        						<td class="js-url">?</td>
        	<script src="" integrity="sha256-CSXorXvZcTkaix6Yvo6HppcZGetbYMGWSFlBw8HfCJo=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
        	<script type="text/javascript">
        		$(function() {
        			$('.js-click').click(function() {
        				$.getJSON('/info', function( data ) {
        				return false;
Test Information
response is ok 0 1 0
response should be okay to process 0 1 0
response must be valid and have a body 0 1 0
Total 0 3 0
Test Failures
Test NameAssertion Error
response is ok
expected response to have status code 200 but got 404
response should be okay to process
expected response code to not be 4XX or 5XX
response must be valid and have a body
expected response to have status reason 'OK' but got 'NOT FOUND'
Request Information
Request Method: PUT
Request URL:
Response Information
Response Code: 404 - Not Found
Mean time per request: 13ms
Mean size per request: 2.48KB

Test Pass Percentage
0 %
Request Headers
Header NameHeader Value
Content-Type application/json
Authorization 45c1a4b6-59d3-4a6e-86bf-88a872f35845
User-Agent PostmanRuntime/7.29.0
Accept */*
Cache-Control no-cache
Postman-Token 2bbf88b5-7d91-4bef-a00e-5adf570ff5ab
Accept-Encoding gzip, deflate, br
Connection keep-alive
Content-Length 279
Request Body
        	"assent": "",
        	"brp": "",
        	"person": "",
        	"request": "/requests/{{request}}"
Response Headers
Header NameHeader Value
Server nginx
Date Mon, 27 Mar 2023 22:00:09 GMT
Content-Type text/html
Transfer-Encoding chunked
Connection keep-alive
Vary Accept-Encoding
Content-Encoding gzip
Response Body
<!DOCTYPE html>
        	<title>Domain not found</title>
        	<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
        		*, :before, :after {
        		  box-sizing: border-box;
        		body {
        		  display: flex;
        		  align-items: center;
        		  background: #E3F2FD;
        		  min-width: 275px;
        		  height: 100vh;
        		  margin: 0 10vw;
        		  overflow: hidden;
        		  color: #138FF2;
        		  font-family: Roboto;
        		.wrapper {
        		  flex-grow: 2;
        		  width: 40vw;
        		  max-width: 500px;
        		  margin: 0 auto;
        		h1 {
        		  margin: 0;
        		  font-size: 6em;
        		  font-weight: 100;
        		p {
        		  width: 95%;
        		  font-size: 1.5em;
        		  line-height: 1.4;
        		.buttons {
        		  white-space: nowrap;
        		  display: inline-block;
        		.moreinfo {
        		  display: block;
        		  text-transform: uppercase;
        		  color: #B9DDFB;
        		  letter-spacing: 1.5px;
        		a {
        		  display: inline-block;
        		  padding: .8em 1em;
        		  margin-right: 1em;
        		  margin-bottom: 1em;
        		  border: 3px solid #B9DDFB;
        		  color: #138FF2;
        		  font-weight: 500;
        		  text-transform: uppercase;
        		  text-decoration: none;
        		  letter-spacing: .2em;
        		  position: relative;
        		  overflow: hidden;
        		  transition: .3s;
        		  &:hover {
        		    color: #E3F2FD;
        		    &:before {
        		      top: 0;
        		  &:before {
        		    content: '';
        		    background: #138FF2;
        		    height: 100%;
        		    width: 100%;
        		    position: absolute;
        		    top: -100%;
        		    left: 0;
        		    transition: .3s;
        		    z-index: -1;
        		.hide {
        			display: none;
        	<div class="wrapper">
        		<p>The domain you are looking for is not configured correctly. Please contact support.</p>
        		<div class="buttons">
        			<a href="#" class="js-click"> More info</a>
        			<br />
        			<div class="moreinfo hide">
        						<td>Your IP:</td>
        						<td class="js-ip">?</td>
        						<td class="js-host">?</td>
        						<td>Full URL:</td>
        						<td class="js-url">?</td>
        	<script src="" integrity="sha256-CSXorXvZcTkaix6Yvo6HppcZGetbYMGWSFlBw8HfCJo=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
        	<script type="text/javascript">
        		$(function() {
        			$('.js-click').click(function() {
        				$.getJSON('/info', function( data ) {
        				return false;
Test Information
response is ok 0 1 0
response should be okay to process 0 1 0
response must be valid and have a body 0 1 0
Total 0 3 0
Test Failures
Test NameAssertion Error
response is ok
expected response to have status code 200 but got 404
response should be okay to process
expected response code to not be 4XX or 5XX
response must be valid and have a body
expected response to have status reason 'OK' but got 'NOT FOUND'
Request Information
Request Method: GET
Request URL:
Response Information
Response Code: 404 - Not Found
Mean time per request: 14ms
Mean size per request: 2.48KB

Test Pass Percentage
0 %
Request Headers
Header NameHeader Value
Authorization 45c1a4b6-59d3-4a6e-86bf-88a872f35845
User-Agent PostmanRuntime/7.29.0
Accept */*
Cache-Control no-cache
Postman-Token b4ddd052-4950-4123-97de-b6267fa26b84
Accept-Encoding gzip, deflate, br
Connection keep-alive
Response Headers
Header NameHeader Value
Server nginx
Date Mon, 27 Mar 2023 22:00:09 GMT
Content-Type text/html
Transfer-Encoding chunked
Connection keep-alive
Vary Accept-Encoding
Content-Encoding gzip
Response Body
<!DOCTYPE html>
        	<title>Domain not found</title>
        	<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
        		*, :before, :after {
        		  box-sizing: border-box;
        		body {
        		  display: flex;
        		  align-items: center;
        		  background: #E3F2FD;
        		  min-width: 275px;
        		  height: 100vh;
        		  margin: 0 10vw;
        		  overflow: hidden;
        		  color: #138FF2;
        		  font-family: Roboto;
        		.wrapper {
        		  flex-grow: 2;
        		  width: 40vw;
        		  max-width: 500px;
        		  margin: 0 auto;
        		h1 {
        		  margin: 0;
        		  font-size: 6em;
        		  font-weight: 100;
        		p {
        		  width: 95%;
        		  font-size: 1.5em;
        		  line-height: 1.4;
        		.buttons {
        		  white-space: nowrap;
        		  display: inline-block;
        		.moreinfo {
        		  display: block;
        		  text-transform: uppercase;
        		  color: #B9DDFB;
        		  letter-spacing: 1.5px;
        		a {
        		  display: inline-block;
        		  padding: .8em 1em;
        		  margin-right: 1em;
        		  margin-bottom: 1em;
        		  border: 3px solid #B9DDFB;
        		  color: #138FF2;
        		  font-weight: 500;
        		  text-transform: uppercase;
        		  text-decoration: none;
        		  letter-spacing: .2em;
        		  position: relative;
        		  overflow: hidden;
        		  transition: .3s;
        		  &:hover {
        		    color: #E3F2FD;
        		    &:before {
        		      top: 0;
        		  &:before {
        		    content: '';
        		    background: #138FF2;
        		    height: 100%;
        		    width: 100%;
        		    position: absolute;
        		    top: -100%;
        		    left: 0;
        		    transition: .3s;
        		    z-index: -1;
        		.hide {
        			display: none;
        	<div class="wrapper">
        		<p>The domain you are looking for is not configured correctly. Please contact support.</p>
        		<div class="buttons">
        			<a href="#" class="js-click"> More info</a>
        			<br />
        			<div class="moreinfo hide">
        						<td>Your IP:</td>
        						<td class="js-ip">?</td>
        						<td class="js-host">?</td>
        						<td>Full URL:</td>
        						<td class="js-url">?</td>
        	<script src="" integrity="sha256-CSXorXvZcTkaix6Yvo6HppcZGetbYMGWSFlBw8HfCJo=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
        	<script type="text/javascript">
        		$(function() {
        			$('.js-click').click(function() {
        				$.getJSON('/info', function( data ) {
        				return false;
Test Information
response is ok 0 1 0
response should be okay to process 0 1 0
response must be valid and have a body 0 1 0
Total 0 3 0
Test Failures
Test NameAssertion Error
response is ok
expected response to have status code 200 but got 404
response should be okay to process
expected response code to not be 4XX or 5XX
response must be valid and have a body
expected response to have status reason 'OK' but got 'NOT FOUND'
Request Information
Request Method: POST
Request URL:
Response Information
Response Code: 404 - Not Found
Mean time per request: 12ms
Mean size per request: 2.48KB

Test Pass Percentage
0 %
Request Headers
Header NameHeader Value
Content-Type application/json
Authorization 45c1a4b6-59d3-4a6e-86bf-88a872f35845
User-Agent PostmanRuntime/7.29.0
Accept */*
Cache-Control no-cache
Postman-Token 12d1e49a-510e-4918-a13e-5d1ebc7123ac
Accept-Encoding gzip, deflate, br
Connection keep-alive
Content-Length 110
Request Body
            "name": "Label",
            "description": "label description",
            "color": "red",
            "icon": "url of icon"
Response Headers
Header NameHeader Value
Server nginx
Date Mon, 27 Mar 2023 22:00:10 GMT
Content-Type text/html
Transfer-Encoding chunked
Connection keep-alive
Vary Accept-Encoding
Content-Encoding gzip
Response Body
<!DOCTYPE html>
        	<title>Domain not found</title>
        	<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
        		*, :before, :after {
        		  box-sizing: border-box;
        		body {
        		  display: flex;
        		  align-items: center;
        		  background: #E3F2FD;
        		  min-width: 275px;
        		  height: 100vh;
        		  margin: 0 10vw;
        		  overflow: hidden;
        		  color: #138FF2;
        		  font-family: Roboto;
        		.wrapper {
        		  flex-grow: 2;
        		  width: 40vw;
        		  max-width: 500px;
        		  margin: 0 auto;
        		h1 {
        		  margin: 0;
        		  font-size: 6em;
        		  font-weight: 100;
        		p {
        		  width: 95%;
        		  font-size: 1.5em;
        		  line-height: 1.4;
        		.buttons {
        		  white-space: nowrap;
        		  display: inline-block;
        		.moreinfo {
        		  display: block;
        		  text-transform: uppercase;
        		  color: #B9DDFB;
        		  letter-spacing: 1.5px;
        		a {
        		  display: inline-block;
        		  padding: .8em 1em;
        		  margin-right: 1em;
        		  margin-bottom: 1em;
        		  border: 3px solid #B9DDFB;
        		  color: #138FF2;
        		  font-weight: 500;
        		  text-transform: uppercase;
        		  text-decoration: none;
        		  letter-spacing: .2em;
        		  position: relative;
        		  overflow: hidden;
        		  transition: .3s;
        		  &:hover {
        		    color: #E3F2FD;
        		    &:before {
        		      top: 0;
        		  &:before {
        		    content: '';
        		    background: #138FF2;
        		    height: 100%;
        		    width: 100%;
        		    position: absolute;
        		    top: -100%;
        		    left: 0;
        		    transition: .3s;
        		    z-index: -1;
        		.hide {
        			display: none;
        	<div class="wrapper">
        		<p>The domain you are looking for is not configured correctly. Please contact support.</p>
        		<div class="buttons">
        			<a href="#" class="js-click"> More info</a>
        			<br />
        			<div class="moreinfo hide">
        						<td>Your IP:</td>
        						<td class="js-ip">?</td>
        						<td class="js-host">?</td>
        						<td>Full URL:</td>
        						<td class="js-url">?</td>
        	<script src="" integrity="sha256-CSXorXvZcTkaix6Yvo6HppcZGetbYMGWSFlBw8HfCJo=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
        	<script type="text/javascript">
        		$(function() {
        			$('.js-click').click(function() {
        				$.getJSON('/info', function( data ) {
        				return false;
Test Information
response is ok 0 1 0
response should be okay to process 0 1 0
response must be valid and have a body 0 1 0
Set ID 0 1 0
Total 0 4 0
Test Failures
Test NameAssertion Error
response is ok
expected response to have status code 201 but got 404
response should be okay to process
expected response code to not be 4XX or 5XX
response must be valid and have a body
expected response body to be a valid json but got error Unexpected token '<' at 1:1
Set ID
Unexpected token '<' at 1:1
        <!DOCTYPE html>
Request Information
Request Method: GET
Request URL:
Response Information
Response Code: 404 - Not Found
Mean time per request: 12ms
Mean size per request: 2.48KB

Test Pass Percentage
0 %
Request Headers
Header NameHeader Value
Authorization 45c1a4b6-59d3-4a6e-86bf-88a872f35845
User-Agent PostmanRuntime/7.29.0
Accept */*
Cache-Control no-cache
Postman-Token 9a756517-b47d-4934-b352-4ca7cb7459ee
Accept-Encoding gzip, deflate, br
Connection keep-alive
Response Headers
Header NameHeader Value
Server nginx
Date Mon, 27 Mar 2023 22:00:10 GMT
Content-Type text/html
Transfer-Encoding chunked
Connection keep-alive
Vary Accept-Encoding
Content-Encoding gzip
Response Body
<!DOCTYPE html>
        	<title>Domain not found</title>
        	<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
        		*, :before, :after {
        		  box-sizing: border-box;
        		body {
        		  display: flex;
        		  align-items: center;
        		  background: #E3F2FD;
        		  min-width: 275px;
        		  height: 100vh;
        		  margin: 0 10vw;
        		  overflow: hidden;
        		  color: #138FF2;
        		  font-family: Roboto;
        		.wrapper {
        		  flex-grow: 2;
        		  width: 40vw;
        		  max-width: 500px;
        		  margin: 0 auto;
        		h1 {
        		  margin: 0;
        		  font-size: 6em;
        		  font-weight: 100;
        		p {
        		  width: 95%;
        		  font-size: 1.5em;
        		  line-height: 1.4;
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        		  white-space: nowrap;
        		  display: inline-block;
        		.moreinfo {
        		  display: block;
        		  text-transform: uppercase;
        		  color: #B9DDFB;
        		  letter-spacing: 1.5px;
        		a {
        		  display: inline-block;
        		  padding: .8em 1em;
        		  margin-right: 1em;
        		  margin-bottom: 1em;
        		  border: 3px solid #B9DDFB;
        		  color: #138FF2;
        		  font-weight: 500;
        		  text-transform: uppercase;
        		  text-decoration: none;
        		  letter-spacing: .2em;
        		  position: relative;
        		  overflow: hidden;
        		  transition: .3s;
        		  &:hover {
        		    color: #E3F2FD;
        		    &:before {
        		      top: 0;
        		  &:before {
        		    content: '';
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        		    height: 100%;
        		    width: 100%;
        		    position: absolute;
        		    top: -100%;
        		    left: 0;
        		    transition: .3s;
        		    z-index: -1;
        		.hide {
        			display: none;
        	<div class="wrapper">
        		<p>The domain you are looking for is not configured correctly. Please contact support.</p>
        		<div class="buttons">
        			<a href="#" class="js-click"> More info</a>
        			<br />
        			<div class="moreinfo hide">
        						<td>Your IP:</td>
        						<td class="js-ip">?</td>
        						<td class="js-host">?</td>
        						<td>Full URL:</td>
        						<td class="js-url">?</td>
        	<script src="" integrity="sha256-CSXorXvZcTkaix6Yvo6HppcZGetbYMGWSFlBw8HfCJo=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
        	<script type="text/javascript">
        		$(function() {
        			$('.js-click').click(function() {
        				$.getJSON('/info', function( data ) {
        				return false;
Test Information
response is ok 0 1 0
response should be okay to process 0 1 0
response must be valid and have a body 0 1 0
Total 0 3 0
Test Failures
Test NameAssertion Error
response is ok
expected response to have status code 200 but got 404
response should be okay to process
expected response code to not be 4XX or 5XX
response must be valid and have a body
expected response to have status reason 'OK' but got 'NOT FOUND'
Request Information
Request Method: PUT
Request URL:
Response Information
Response Code: 404 - Not Found
Mean time per request: 13ms
Mean size per request: 2.48KB

Test Pass Percentage
0 %
Request Headers
Header NameHeader Value
Content-Type application/json
Authorization 45c1a4b6-59d3-4a6e-86bf-88a872f35845
User-Agent PostmanRuntime/7.29.0
Accept */*
Cache-Control no-cache
Postman-Token 2194beea-1492-4c49-ae1d-4ce66f6be675
Accept-Encoding gzip, deflate, br
Connection keep-alive
Content-Length 110
Request Body
            "name": "Label",
            "description": "label description",
            "color": "red",
            "icon": "url of icon"
Response Headers
Header NameHeader Value
Server nginx
Date Mon, 27 Mar 2023 22:00:10 GMT
Content-Type text/html
Transfer-Encoding chunked
Connection keep-alive
Vary Accept-Encoding
Content-Encoding gzip
Response Body
<!DOCTYPE html>
        	<title>Domain not found</title>
        	<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
        		*, :before, :after {
        		  box-sizing: border-box;
        		body {
        		  display: flex;
        		  align-items: center;
        		  background: #E3F2FD;
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        		  height: 100vh;
        		  margin: 0 10vw;
        		  overflow: hidden;
        		  color: #138FF2;
        		  font-family: Roboto;
        		.wrapper {
        		  flex-grow: 2;
        		  width: 40vw;
        		  max-width: 500px;
        		  margin: 0 auto;
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        		  margin: 0;
        		  font-size: 6em;
        		  font-weight: 100;
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        		  width: 95%;
        		  font-size: 1.5em;
        		  line-height: 1.4;
        		.buttons {
        		  white-space: nowrap;
        		  display: inline-block;
        		.moreinfo {
        		  display: block;
        		  text-transform: uppercase;
        		  color: #B9DDFB;
        		  letter-spacing: 1.5px;
        		a {
        		  display: inline-block;
        		  padding: .8em 1em;
        		  margin-right: 1em;
        		  margin-bottom: 1em;
        		  border: 3px solid #B9DDFB;
        		  color: #138FF2;
        		  font-weight: 500;
        		  text-transform: uppercase;
        		  text-decoration: none;
        		  letter-spacing: .2em;
        		  position: relative;
        		  overflow: hidden;
        		  transition: .3s;
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        		    color: #E3F2FD;
        		    &:before {
        		      top: 0;
        		  &:before {
        		    content: '';
        		    background: #138FF2;
        		    height: 100%;
        		    width: 100%;
        		    position: absolute;
        		    top: -100%;
        		    left: 0;
        		    transition: .3s;
        		    z-index: -1;
        		.hide {
        			display: none;
        	<div class="wrapper">
        		<p>The domain you are looking for is not configured correctly. Please contact support.</p>
        		<div class="buttons">
        			<a href="#" class="js-click"> More info</a>
        			<br />
        			<div class="moreinfo hide">
        						<td>Your IP:</td>
        						<td class="js-ip">?</td>
        						<td class="js-host">?</td>
        						<td>Full URL:</td>
        						<td class="js-url">?</td>
        	<script src="" integrity="sha256-CSXorXvZcTkaix6Yvo6HppcZGetbYMGWSFlBw8HfCJo=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
        	<script type="text/javascript">
        		$(function() {
        			$('.js-click').click(function() {
        				$.getJSON('/info', function( data ) {
        				return false;
Test Information
response is ok 0 1 0
response should be okay to process 0 1 0
response must be valid and have a body 0 1 0
Total 0 3 0
Test Failures
Test NameAssertion Error
response is ok
expected response to have status code 200 but got 404
response should be okay to process
expected response code to not be 4XX or 5XX
response must be valid and have a body
expected response to have status reason 'OK' but got 'NOT FOUND'
Request Information
Request Method: GET
Request URL:
Response Information
Response Code: 404 - Not Found
Mean time per request: 12ms
Mean size per request: 2.48KB

Test Pass Percentage
0 %
Request Headers
Header NameHeader Value
Authorization 45c1a4b6-59d3-4a6e-86bf-88a872f35845
User-Agent PostmanRuntime/7.29.0
Accept */*
Cache-Control no-cache
Postman-Token 4b08cf2f-a9a9-4d44-b0a8-fa0e9e2a82eb
Accept-Encoding gzip, deflate, br
Connection keep-alive
Response Headers
Header NameHeader Value
Server nginx
Date Mon, 27 Mar 2023 22:00:10 GMT
Content-Type text/html
Transfer-Encoding chunked
Connection keep-alive
Vary Accept-Encoding
Content-Encoding gzip
Response Body
<!DOCTYPE html>
        	<title>Domain not found</title>
        	<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
        		*, :before, :after {
        		  box-sizing: border-box;
        		body {
        		  display: flex;
        		  align-items: center;
        		  background: #E3F2FD;
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        		  height: 100vh;
        		  margin: 0 10vw;
        		  overflow: hidden;
        		  color: #138FF2;
        		  font-family: Roboto;
        		.wrapper {
        		  flex-grow: 2;
        		  width: 40vw;
        		  max-width: 500px;
        		  margin: 0 auto;
        		h1 {
        		  margin: 0;
        		  font-size: 6em;
        		  font-weight: 100;
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        		  width: 95%;
        		  font-size: 1.5em;
        		  line-height: 1.4;
        		.buttons {
        		  white-space: nowrap;
        		  display: inline-block;
        		.moreinfo {
        		  display: block;
        		  text-transform: uppercase;
        		  color: #B9DDFB;
        		  letter-spacing: 1.5px;
        		a {
        		  display: inline-block;
        		  padding: .8em 1em;
        		  margin-right: 1em;
        		  margin-bottom: 1em;
        		  border: 3px solid #B9DDFB;
        		  color: #138FF2;
        		  font-weight: 500;
        		  text-transform: uppercase;
        		  text-decoration: none;
        		  letter-spacing: .2em;
        		  position: relative;
        		  overflow: hidden;
        		  transition: .3s;
        		  &:hover {
        		    color: #E3F2FD;
        		    &:before {
        		      top: 0;
        		  &:before {
        		    content: '';
        		    background: #138FF2;
        		    height: 100%;
        		    width: 100%;
        		    position: absolute;
        		    top: -100%;
        		    left: 0;
        		    transition: .3s;
        		    z-index: -1;
        		.hide {
        			display: none;
        	<div class="wrapper">
        		<p>The domain you are looking for is not configured correctly. Please contact support.</p>
        		<div class="buttons">
        			<a href="#" class="js-click"> More info</a>
        			<br />
        			<div class="moreinfo hide">
        						<td>Your IP:</td>
        						<td class="js-ip">?</td>
        						<td class="js-host">?</td>
        						<td>Full URL:</td>
        						<td class="js-url">?</td>
        	<script src="" integrity="sha256-CSXorXvZcTkaix6Yvo6HppcZGetbYMGWSFlBw8HfCJo=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
        	<script type="text/javascript">
        		$(function() {
        			$('.js-click').click(function() {
        				$.getJSON('/info', function( data ) {
        				return false;
Test Information
response is ok 0 1 0
response should be okay to process 0 1 0
response must be valid and have a body 0 1 0
Total 0 3 0
Test Failures
Test NameAssertion Error
response is ok
expected response to have status code 200 but got 404
response should be okay to process
expected response code to not be 4XX or 5XX
response must be valid and have a body
expected response to have status reason 'OK' but got 'NOT FOUND'
Request Information
Request Method: POST
Request URL:
Response Information
Response Code: 404 - Not Found
Mean time per request: 11ms
Mean size per request: 2.48KB

Test Pass Percentage
0 %
Request Headers
Header NameHeader Value
Content-Type application/json
Authorization 45c1a4b6-59d3-4a6e-86bf-88a872f35845
User-Agent PostmanRuntime/7.29.0
Accept */*
Cache-Control no-cache
Postman-Token 1adb78f8-d09f-45de-9a43-d90cdb6b360e
Accept-Encoding gzip, deflate, br
Connection keep-alive
Content-Length 159
Request Body
            "participant": "",
            "rolType": "initiator",
            "participantType": "Natuurlijk persoon",
        	"request": "/requests/{{request}}"
Response Headers
Header NameHeader Value
Server nginx
Date Mon, 27 Mar 2023 22:00:10 GMT
Content-Type text/html
Transfer-Encoding chunked
Connection keep-alive
Vary Accept-Encoding
Content-Encoding gzip
Response Body
<!DOCTYPE html>
        	<title>Domain not found</title>
        	<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
        		*, :before, :after {
        		  box-sizing: border-box;
        		body {
        		  display: flex;
        		  align-items: center;
        		  background: #E3F2FD;
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        		  height: 100vh;
        		  margin: 0 10vw;
        		  overflow: hidden;
        		  color: #138FF2;
        		  font-family: Roboto;
        		.wrapper {
        		  flex-grow: 2;
        		  width: 40vw;
        		  max-width: 500px;
        		  margin: 0 auto;
        		h1 {
        		  margin: 0;
        		  font-size: 6em;
        		  font-weight: 100;
        		p {
        		  width: 95%;
        		  font-size: 1.5em;
        		  line-height: 1.4;
        		.buttons {
        		  white-space: nowrap;
        		  display: inline-block;
        		.moreinfo {
        		  display: block;
        		  text-transform: uppercase;
        		  color: #B9DDFB;
        		  letter-spacing: 1.5px;
        		a {
        		  display: inline-block;
        		  padding: .8em 1em;
        		  margin-right: 1em;
        		  margin-bottom: 1em;
        		  border: 3px solid #B9DDFB;
        		  color: #138FF2;
        		  font-weight: 500;
        		  text-transform: uppercase;
        		  text-decoration: none;
        		  letter-spacing: .2em;
        		  position: relative;
        		  overflow: hidden;
        		  transition: .3s;
        		  &:hover {
        		    color: #E3F2FD;
        		    &:before {
        		      top: 0;
        		  &:before {
        		    content: '';
        		    background: #138FF2;
        		    height: 100%;
        		    width: 100%;
        		    position: absolute;
        		    top: -100%;
        		    left: 0;
        		    transition: .3s;
        		    z-index: -1;
        		.hide {
        			display: none;
        	<div class="wrapper">
        		<p>The domain you are looking for is not configured correctly. Please contact support.</p>
        		<div class="buttons">
        			<a href="#" class="js-click"> More info</a>
        			<br />
        			<div class="moreinfo hide">
        						<td>Your IP:</td>
        						<td class="js-ip">?</td>
        						<td class="js-host">?</td>
        						<td>Full URL:</td>
        						<td class="js-url">?</td>
        	<script src="" integrity="sha256-CSXorXvZcTkaix6Yvo6HppcZGetbYMGWSFlBw8HfCJo=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
        	<script type="text/javascript">
        		$(function() {
        			$('.js-click').click(function() {
        				$.getJSON('/info', function( data ) {
        				return false;
Test Information
response is ok 0 1 0
response should be okay to process 0 1 0
response must be valid and have a body 0 1 0
Set ID 0 1 0
Total 0 4 0
Test Failures
Test NameAssertion Error
response is ok
expected response to have status code 201 but got 404
response should be okay to process
expected response code to not be 4XX or 5XX
response must be valid and have a body
expected response body to be a valid json but got error Unexpected token '<' at 1:1
Set ID
Unexpected token '<' at 1:1
        <!DOCTYPE html>
Request Information
Request Method: GET
Request URL:
Response Information
Response Code: 404 - Not Found
Mean time per request: 11ms
Mean size per request: 2.48KB

Test Pass Percentage
0 %
Request Headers
Header NameHeader Value
Authorization 45c1a4b6-59d3-4a6e-86bf-88a872f35845
User-Agent PostmanRuntime/7.29.0
Accept */*
Cache-Control no-cache
Postman-Token b0bd5f55-3b25-44d4-bdeb-a84d9b4dc0a7
Accept-Encoding gzip, deflate, br
Connection keep-alive
Response Headers
Header NameHeader Value
Server nginx
Date Mon, 27 Mar 2023 22:00:10 GMT
Content-Type text/html
Transfer-Encoding chunked
Connection keep-alive
Vary Accept-Encoding
Content-Encoding gzip
Response Body
<!DOCTYPE html>
        	<title>Domain not found</title>
        	<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
        		*, :before, :after {
        		  box-sizing: border-box;
        		body {
        		  display: flex;
        		  align-items: center;
        		  background: #E3F2FD;
        		  min-width: 275px;
        		  height: 100vh;
        		  margin: 0 10vw;
        		  overflow: hidden;
        		  color: #138FF2;
        		  font-family: Roboto;
        		.wrapper {
        		  flex-grow: 2;
        		  width: 40vw;
        		  max-width: 500px;
        		  margin: 0 auto;
        		h1 {
        		  margin: 0;
        		  font-size: 6em;
        		  font-weight: 100;
        		p {
        		  width: 95%;
        		  font-size: 1.5em;
        		  line-height: 1.4;
        		.buttons {
        		  white-space: nowrap;
        		  display: inline-block;
        		.moreinfo {
        		  display: block;
        		  text-transform: uppercase;
        		  color: #B9DDFB;
        		  letter-spacing: 1.5px;
        		a {
        		  display: inline-block;
        		  padding: .8em 1em;
        		  margin-right: 1em;
        		  margin-bottom: 1em;
        		  border: 3px solid #B9DDFB;
        		  color: #138FF2;
        		  font-weight: 500;
        		  text-transform: uppercase;
        		  text-decoration: none;
        		  letter-spacing: .2em;
        		  position: relative;
        		  overflow: hidden;
        		  transition: .3s;
        		  &:hover {
        		    color: #E3F2FD;
        		    &:before {
        		      top: 0;
        		  &:before {
        		    content: '';
        		    background: #138FF2;
        		    height: 100%;
        		    width: 100%;
        		    position: absolute;
        		    top: -100%;
        		    left: 0;
        		    transition: .3s;
        		    z-index: -1;
        		.hide {
        			display: none;
        	<div class="wrapper">
        		<p>The domain you are looking for is not configured correctly. Please contact support.</p>
        		<div class="buttons">
        			<a href="#" class="js-click"> More info</a>
        			<br />
        			<div class="moreinfo hide">
        						<td>Your IP:</td>
        						<td class="js-ip">?</td>
        						<td class="js-host">?</td>
        						<td>Full URL:</td>
        						<td class="js-url">?</td>
        	<script src="" integrity="sha256-CSXorXvZcTkaix6Yvo6HppcZGetbYMGWSFlBw8HfCJo=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
        	<script type="text/javascript">
        		$(function() {
        			$('.js-click').click(function() {
        				$.getJSON('/info', function( data ) {
        				return false;
Test Information
response is ok 0 1 0
response should be okay to process 0 1 0
response must be valid and have a body 0 1 0
Total 0 3 0
Test Failures
Test NameAssertion Error
response is ok
expected response to have status code 200 but got 404
response should be okay to process
expected response code to not be 4XX or 5XX
response must be valid and have a body
expected response to have status reason 'OK' but got 'NOT FOUND'
Request Information
Request Method: PUT
Request URL:
Response Information
Response Code: 404 - Not Found
Mean time per request: 17ms
Mean size per request: 2.48KB

Test Pass Percentage
0 %
Request Headers
Header NameHeader Value
Content-Type application/json
Authorization 45c1a4b6-59d3-4a6e-86bf-88a872f35845
User-Agent PostmanRuntime/7.29.0
Accept */*
Cache-Control no-cache
Postman-Token a7057ff4-723b-48ab-a168-78c09a9b2bd4
Accept-Encoding gzip, deflate, br
Connection keep-alive
Content-Length 159
Request Body
            "participant": "",
            "rolType": "initiator",
            "participantType": "Natuurlijk persoon",
        	"request": "/requests/{{request}}"
Response Headers
Header NameHeader Value
Server nginx
Date Mon, 27 Mar 2023 22:00:10 GMT
Content-Type text/html
Transfer-Encoding chunked
Connection keep-alive
Vary Accept-Encoding
Content-Encoding gzip
Response Body
<!DOCTYPE html>
        	<title>Domain not found</title>
        	<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
        		*, :before, :after {
        		  box-sizing: border-box;
        		body {
        		  display: flex;
        		  align-items: center;
        		  background: #E3F2FD;
        		  min-width: 275px;
        		  height: 100vh;
        		  margin: 0 10vw;
        		  overflow: hidden;
        		  color: #138FF2;
        		  font-family: Roboto;
        		.wrapper {
        		  flex-grow: 2;
        		  width: 40vw;
        		  max-width: 500px;
        		  margin: 0 auto;
        		h1 {
        		  margin: 0;
        		  font-size: 6em;
        		  font-weight: 100;
        		p {
        		  width: 95%;
        		  font-size: 1.5em;
        		  line-height: 1.4;
        		.buttons {
        		  white-space: nowrap;
        		  display: inline-block;
        		.moreinfo {
        		  display: block;
        		  text-transform: uppercase;
        		  color: #B9DDFB;
        		  letter-spacing: 1.5px;
        		a {
        		  display: inline-block;
        		  padding: .8em 1em;
        		  margin-right: 1em;
        		  margin-bottom: 1em;
        		  border: 3px solid #B9DDFB;
        		  color: #138FF2;
        		  font-weight: 500;
        		  text-transform: uppercase;
        		  text-decoration: none;
        		  letter-spacing: .2em;
        		  position: relative;
        		  overflow: hidden;
        		  transition: .3s;
        		  &:hover {
        		    color: #E3F2FD;
        		    &:before {
        		      top: 0;
        		  &:before {
        		    content: '';
        		    background: #138FF2;
        		    height: 100%;
        		    width: 100%;
        		    position: absolute;
        		    top: -100%;
        		    left: 0;
        		    transition: .3s;
        		    z-index: -1;
        		.hide {
        			display: none;
        	<div class="wrapper">
        		<p>The domain you are looking for is not configured correctly. Please contact support.</p>
        		<div class="buttons">
        			<a href="#" class="js-click"> More info</a>
        			<br />
        			<div class="moreinfo hide">
        						<td>Your IP:</td>
        						<td class="js-ip">?</td>
        						<td class="js-host">?</td>
        						<td>Full URL:</td>
        						<td class="js-url">?</td>
        	<script src="" integrity="sha256-CSXorXvZcTkaix6Yvo6HppcZGetbYMGWSFlBw8HfCJo=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
        	<script type="text/javascript">
        		$(function() {
        			$('.js-click').click(function() {
        				$.getJSON('/info', function( data ) {
        				return false;
Test Information
response is ok 0 1 0
response should be okay to process 0 1 0
response must be valid and have a body 0 1 0
Total 0 3 0
Test Failures
Test NameAssertion Error
response is ok
expected response to have status code 200 but got 404
response should be okay to process
expected response code to not be 4XX or 5XX
response must be valid and have a body
expected response to have status reason 'OK' but got 'NOT FOUND'
Request Information
Request Method: DELETE
Request URL:
Response Information
Response Code: 404 - Not Found
Mean time per request: 9ms
Mean size per request: 2.48KB

Test Pass Percentage
0 %
Request Headers
Header NameHeader Value
Authorization 45c1a4b6-59d3-4a6e-86bf-88a872f35845
User-Agent PostmanRuntime/7.29.0
Accept */*
Cache-Control no-cache
Postman-Token bf3c8711-6883-4df5-972c-d57acd53f276
Accept-Encoding gzip, deflate, br
Connection keep-alive
Response Headers
Header NameHeader Value
Server nginx
Date Mon, 27 Mar 2023 22:00:10 GMT
Content-Type text/html
Transfer-Encoding chunked
Connection keep-alive
Vary Accept-Encoding
Content-Encoding gzip
Response Body
<!DOCTYPE html>
        	<title>Domain not found</title>
        	<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
        		*, :before, :after {
        		  box-sizing: border-box;
        		body {
        		  display: flex;
        		  align-items: center;
        		  background: #E3F2FD;
        		  min-width: 275px;
        		  height: 100vh;
        		  margin: 0 10vw;
        		  overflow: hidden;
        		  color: #138FF2;
        		  font-family: Roboto;
        		.wrapper {
        		  flex-grow: 2;
        		  width: 40vw;
        		  max-width: 500px;
        		  margin: 0 auto;
        		h1 {
        		  margin: 0;
        		  font-size: 6em;
        		  font-weight: 100;
        		p {
        		  width: 95%;
        		  font-size: 1.5em;
        		  line-height: 1.4;
        		.buttons {
        		  white-space: nowrap;
        		  display: inline-block;
        		.moreinfo {
        		  display: block;
        		  text-transform: uppercase;
        		  color: #B9DDFB;
        		  letter-spacing: 1.5px;
        		a {
        		  display: inline-block;
        		  padding: .8em 1em;
        		  margin-right: 1em;
        		  margin-bottom: 1em;
        		  border: 3px solid #B9DDFB;
        		  color: #138FF2;
        		  font-weight: 500;
        		  text-transform: uppercase;
        		  text-decoration: none;
        		  letter-spacing: .2em;
        		  position: relative;
        		  overflow: hidden;
        		  transition: .3s;
        		  &:hover {
        		    color: #E3F2FD;
        		    &:before {
        		      top: 0;
        		  &:before {
        		    content: '';
        		    background: #138FF2;
        		    height: 100%;
        		    width: 100%;
        		    position: absolute;
        		    top: -100%;
        		    left: 0;
        		    transition: .3s;
        		    z-index: -1;
        		.hide {
        			display: none;
        	<div class="wrapper">
        		<p>The domain you are looking for is not configured correctly. Please contact support.</p>
        		<div class="buttons">
        			<a href="#" class="js-click"> More info</a>
        			<br />
        			<div class="moreinfo hide">
        						<td>Your IP:</td>
        						<td class="js-ip">?</td>
        						<td class="js-host">?</td>
        						<td>Full URL:</td>
        						<td class="js-url">?</td>
        	<script src="" integrity="sha256-CSXorXvZcTkaix6Yvo6HppcZGetbYMGWSFlBw8HfCJo=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
        	<script type="text/javascript">
        		$(function() {
        			$('.js-click').click(function() {
        				$.getJSON('/info', function( data ) {
        				return false;
Test Information
response is ok 0 1 0
Total 0 1 0
Test Failure
Test NameAssertion Error
response is ok
expected response to have status code 204 but got 404
Request Information
Request Method: DELETE
Request URL:
Response Information
Response Code: 404 - Not Found
Mean time per request: 20ms
Mean size per request: 2.48KB

Test Pass Percentage
0 %
Request Headers
Header NameHeader Value
Authorization 45c1a4b6-59d3-4a6e-86bf-88a872f35845
User-Agent PostmanRuntime/7.29.0
Accept */*
Cache-Control no-cache
Postman-Token 4475a855-1a2b-44bc-bee7-364db6be1664
Accept-Encoding gzip, deflate, br
Connection keep-alive
Response Headers
Header NameHeader Value
Server nginx
Date Mon, 27 Mar 2023 22:00:10 GMT
Content-Type text/html
Transfer-Encoding chunked
Connection keep-alive
Vary Accept-Encoding
Content-Encoding gzip
Response Body
<!DOCTYPE html>
        	<title>Domain not found</title>
        	<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
        		*, :before, :after {
        		  box-sizing: border-box;
        		body {
        		  display: flex;
        		  align-items: center;
        		  background: #E3F2FD;
        		  min-width: 275px;
        		  height: 100vh;
        		  margin: 0 10vw;
        		  overflow: hidden;
        		  color: #138FF2;
        		  font-family: Roboto;
        		.wrapper {
        		  flex-grow: 2;
        		  width: 40vw;
        		  max-width: 500px;
        		  margin: 0 auto;
        		h1 {
        		  margin: 0;
        		  font-size: 6em;
        		  font-weight: 100;
        		p {
        		  width: 95%;
        		  font-size: 1.5em;
        		  line-height: 1.4;
        		.buttons {
        		  white-space: nowrap;
        		  display: inline-block;
        		.moreinfo {
        		  display: block;
        		  text-transform: uppercase;
        		  color: #B9DDFB;
        		  letter-spacing: 1.5px;
        		a {
        		  display: inline-block;
        		  padding: .8em 1em;
        		  margin-right: 1em;
        		  margin-bottom: 1em;
        		  border: 3px solid #B9DDFB;
        		  color: #138FF2;
        		  font-weight: 500;
        		  text-transform: uppercase;
        		  text-decoration: none;
        		  letter-spacing: .2em;
        		  position: relative;
        		  overflow: hidden;
        		  transition: .3s;
        		  &:hover {
        		    color: #E3F2FD;
        		    &:before {
        		      top: 0;
        		  &:before {
        		    content: '';
        		    background: #138FF2;
        		    height: 100%;
        		    width: 100%;
        		    position: absolute;
        		    top: -100%;
        		    left: 0;
        		    transition: .3s;
        		    z-index: -1;
        		.hide {
        			display: none;
        	<div class="wrapper">
        		<p>The domain you are looking for is not configured correctly. Please contact support.</p>
        		<div class="buttons">
        			<a href="#" class="js-click"> More info</a>
        			<br />
        			<div class="moreinfo hide">
        						<td>Your IP:</td>
        						<td class="js-ip">?</td>
        						<td class="js-host">?</td>
        						<td>Full URL:</td>
        						<td class="js-url">?</td>
        	<script src="" integrity="sha256-CSXorXvZcTkaix6Yvo6HppcZGetbYMGWSFlBw8HfCJo=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
        	<script type="text/javascript">
        		$(function() {
        			$('.js-click').click(function() {
        				$.getJSON('/info', function( data ) {
        				return false;
Test Information
response is ok 0 1 0
Total 0 1 0
Test Failure
Test NameAssertion Error
response is ok
expected response to have status code 204 but got 404
Request Information
Request Method: DELETE
Request URL:
Response Information
Response Code: 404 - Not Found
Mean time per request: 14ms
Mean size per request: 2.48KB

Test Pass Percentage
0 %
Request Headers
Header NameHeader Value
Authorization 45c1a4b6-59d3-4a6e-86bf-88a872f35845
User-Agent PostmanRuntime/7.29.0
Accept */*
Cache-Control no-cache
Postman-Token 5f0cc230-7dbd-4fc7-b6bb-151e2ad66f5e
Accept-Encoding gzip, deflate, br
Connection keep-alive
Response Headers
Header NameHeader Value
Server nginx
Date Mon, 27 Mar 2023 22:00:10 GMT
Content-Type text/html
Transfer-Encoding chunked
Connection keep-alive
Vary Accept-Encoding
Content-Encoding gzip
Response Body
<!DOCTYPE html>
        	<title>Domain not found</title>
        	<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
        		*, :before, :after {
        		  box-sizing: border-box;
        		body {
        		  display: flex;
        		  align-items: center;
        		  background: #E3F2FD;
        		  min-width: 275px;
        		  height: 100vh;
        		  margin: 0 10vw;
        		  overflow: hidden;
        		  color: #138FF2;
        		  font-family: Roboto;
        		.wrapper {
        		  flex-grow: 2;
        		  width: 40vw;
        		  max-width: 500px;
        		  margin: 0 auto;
        		h1 {
        		  margin: 0;
        		  font-size: 6em;
        		  font-weight: 100;
        		p {
        		  width: 95%;
        		  font-size: 1.5em;
        		  line-height: 1.4;
        		.buttons {
        		  white-space: nowrap;
        		  display: inline-block;
        		.moreinfo {
        		  display: block;
        		  text-transform: uppercase;
        		  color: #B9DDFB;
        		  letter-spacing: 1.5px;
        		a {
        		  display: inline-block;
        		  padding: .8em 1em;
        		  margin-right: 1em;
        		  margin-bottom: 1em;
        		  border: 3px solid #B9DDFB;
        		  color: #138FF2;
        		  font-weight: 500;
        		  text-transform: uppercase;
        		  text-decoration: none;
        		  letter-spacing: .2em;
        		  position: relative;
        		  overflow: hidden;
        		  transition: .3s;
        		  &:hover {
        		    color: #E3F2FD;
        		    &:before {
        		      top: 0;
        		  &:before {
        		    content: '';
        		    background: #138FF2;
        		    height: 100%;
        		    width: 100%;
        		    position: absolute;
        		    top: -100%;
        		    left: 0;
        		    transition: .3s;
        		    z-index: -1;
        		.hide {
        			display: none;
        	<div class="wrapper">
        		<p>The domain you are looking for is not configured correctly. Please contact support.</p>
        		<div class="buttons">
        			<a href="#" class="js-click"> More info</a>
        			<br />
        			<div class="moreinfo hide">
        						<td>Your IP:</td>
        						<td class="js-ip">?</td>
        						<td class="js-host">?</td>
        						<td>Full URL:</td>
        						<td class="js-url">?</td>
        	<script src="" integrity="sha256-CSXorXvZcTkaix6Yvo6HppcZGetbYMGWSFlBw8HfCJo=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
        	<script type="text/javascript">
        		$(function() {
        			$('.js-click').click(function() {
        				$.getJSON('/info', function( data ) {
        				return false;
Test Information
response is ok 0 1 0
Total 0 1 0
Test Failure
Test NameAssertion Error
response is ok
expected response to have status code 204 but got 404
Request Information
Request Method: DELETE
Request URL:
Response Information
Response Code: 404 - Not Found
Mean time per request: 13ms
Mean size per request: 2.48KB

Test Pass Percentage
0 %
Request Headers
Header NameHeader Value
Authorization 45c1a4b6-59d3-4a6e-86bf-88a872f35845
User-Agent PostmanRuntime/7.29.0
Accept */*
Cache-Control no-cache
Postman-Token 5c03c92c-fa0c-4360-8fea-cd4436f66190
Accept-Encoding gzip, deflate, br
Connection keep-alive
Response Headers
Header NameHeader Value
Server nginx
Date Mon, 27 Mar 2023 22:00:10 GMT
Content-Type text/html
Transfer-Encoding chunked
Connection keep-alive
Vary Accept-Encoding
Content-Encoding gzip
Response Body
<!DOCTYPE html>
        	<title>Domain not found</title>
        	<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
        		*, :before, :after {
        		  box-sizing: border-box;
        		body {
        		  display: flex;
        		  align-items: center;
        		  background: #E3F2FD;
        		  min-width: 275px;
        		  height: 100vh;
        		  margin: 0 10vw;
        		  overflow: hidden;
        		  color: #138FF2;
        		  font-family: Roboto;
        		.wrapper {
        		  flex-grow: 2;
        		  width: 40vw;
        		  max-width: 500px;
        		  margin: 0 auto;
        		h1 {
        		  margin: 0;
        		  font-size: 6em;
        		  font-weight: 100;
        		p {
        		  width: 95%;
        		  font-size: 1.5em;
        		  line-height: 1.4;
        		.buttons {
        		  white-space: nowrap;
        		  display: inline-block;
        		.moreinfo {
        		  display: block;
        		  text-transform: uppercase;
        		  color: #B9DDFB;
        		  letter-spacing: 1.5px;
        		a {
        		  display: inline-block;
        		  padding: .8em 1em;
        		  margin-right: 1em;
        		  margin-bottom: 1em;
        		  border: 3px solid #B9DDFB;
        		  color: #138FF2;
        		  font-weight: 500;
        		  text-transform: uppercase;
        		  text-decoration: none;
        		  letter-spacing: .2em;
        		  position: relative;
        		  overflow: hidden;
        		  transition: .3s;
        		  &:hover {
        		    color: #E3F2FD;
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        		      top: 0;
        		  &:before {
        		    content: '';
        		    background: #138FF2;
        		    height: 100%;
        		    width: 100%;
        		    position: absolute;
        		    top: -100%;
        		    left: 0;
        		    transition: .3s;
        		    z-index: -1;
        		.hide {
        			display: none;
        	<div class="wrapper">
        		<p>The domain you are looking for is not configured correctly. Please contact support.</p>
        		<div class="buttons">
        			<a href="#" class="js-click"> More info</a>
        			<br />
        			<div class="moreinfo hide">
        						<td>Your IP:</td>
        						<td class="js-ip">?</td>
        						<td class="js-host">?</td>
        						<td>Full URL:</td>
        						<td class="js-url">?</td>
        	<script src="" integrity="sha256-CSXorXvZcTkaix6Yvo6HppcZGetbYMGWSFlBw8HfCJo=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
        	<script type="text/javascript">
        		$(function() {
        			$('.js-click').click(function() {
        				$.getJSON('/info', function( data ) {
        				return false;
Test Information
response is ok 0 1 0
Total 0 1 0
Test Failure
Test NameAssertion Error
response is ok
expected 404 to be one of [ 204, 500 ]